Stronger readers together

Reading Recovery is a proven early intervention for literacy learning. It is designed to help young readers and writers catch up with their classmates through intensive one-to-one support.

Early Literacy Support builds on the knowledge and expertise of Reading Recovery teachers to provide targeted and personalised support for 5 year-old children in small groups in the classroom.

Together, this collaborative approach enables schools to strengthen early literacy, and grow confident readers and writers.

Read our latest success stories
Check out testimonials from parents, teachers and school leaders
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Three tiers of support

Every child brings different experiences to literacy learning at school. Each child has an array of different strengths and learning needs.

Recognising this, Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Support uses a tiered support framework to address the variety of literacy capabilities in each class.

Support is provided for the whole class, a small group and/or the individual child based on their needs. 

At each Tier, the teaching instruction is increasingly responsive to the child’s learning needs.

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Kaua e rangiruatia te hāpai o te hoe; e kore tō tātau waka e ū ki uta

Do not lift the paddle out of unison or our canoe will never reach the shore.

Stories of impact

Hear first hand stories about the value of RR&ELS for families, teachers and schools.

"Reading recovery was an essential part of my daughter’s learning. She had fallen behind, lost confidence and was struggling. Without the expertise and guidance of reading teacher, Judy Jenkins, she would not be where she is today with her reading or writing. The Reading recovery program is fundamental and taking this opportunity away from our children will have a detrimental effect. I am forever grateful my daughter got the help she needed when she required it. It boosted her confidence when she was discouraged, giving her the ability to be excited about reading again. I 100% back the reading recovery programme."

Natasha Waterhouse, Parent, Maungatapere School

"For nearly three decades I have seen how the reading recovery program has helped to support some of our most needy students. My school is a decile 1a and we are rich with many cultures and languages. Our students ESOL students have benefitted from the RR program and the expertise the trained teachers have. This has seen them ascend and have an equitable chance in education with greater job and life prospects. I am saddened at the news that this program isn't being valued and acknowledged for its worth. I wonder how may children across our nation can trace some of their early learning successes back to the support they were lucky to receive from the RR program. Aue kua hinga tetahi atu totara i roto i te ngahere o te matauranga."

Lester Mohi, Deputy Principal at Glenview School

"It was Reading Recovery Training that taught me how to teach literacy and hone in on the problem solving skills needed to learn to read. The introduction of ELS groups this year has been an additional positive game changer, being able to reach even more struggling learners."

Anna Oglesby, Deputy Principal of Pāpāmoa Primary School

Learning and teaching as a team

Reading Recovery teachers are part of a school's literacy team. During the first year at school, the Early Literacy Support is collaborative, with a Reading Recovery teacher and the classroom teacher working together to co-design and co-teach the group. This builds on the existing strengths — the classroom teacher’s skills, and knowledge of their students — by supplementing them with specialist knowledge and understandings from Reading Recovery.

Children first access extra support in small groups, learning alongside their friends and helping each other progress. Some children might go on to receiving daily one on one lessons with the Reading Recovery teacher.

Student centred

Students are at the heart of Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Support. Improving student learning is the collaborative effort of whānau, communities, teachers, school leaders and support networks, as well as the students’ peers.

Starting early

With early attention, children's progress can be assured, before there is a problem. Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Support provides them with a launchpad, from where their education can continue to thrive.

Improved outcomes

Reading Recovery is proven to work in a one-to-one teaching situation. Utilising that same expertise with small groups helps build the literacy teaching capacity and capability of classroom teachers. This flows on to improve literacy outcomes across a whole school.

Success with Reading Recovery comes from teamwork. 6-year-olds who find reading and writing challenging engage in one-to-one learning with specially trained teachers, supported by their school and their classroom teacher.

How does Reading Recovery work ?

Success with Reading Recovery comes from teamwork. 6-year-olds who find reading and writing challenging engage in one-to-one learning with specially trained teachers, supported by their school and their classroom teacher.

For whānau

Learn how Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Support can grow your child’s reading and writing ability.

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For schools

Find out how Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Support can improve your junior school’s literacy outcomes.

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Hear what parents, teachers and school leaders are saying about successful outcomes of the refresh.

The Reading Recovery program turned out to be a game-changer for our daughter. Her improvement was nothing short of remarkable.
Balachandar Muthukrishnan, Parent, Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery
October 18, 2023
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Our son was behind on his reading compared to his peers, having spent a lot of his second school year sick or in lockdown. The one-on-one that Reading Recovery provided gave him an extra bit of focus that hooked him in!
Sam Kivi, Ao Tawhiti
September 4, 2023
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Jack's reading has improved immensely and without the RR, we believe he would have struggled with reading throughout the year and this would have led to him being frustrated and distracted.
Lucy, Parent, West Rolleston School
August 4, 2023
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He went from level 9 (too early to assign a reading age) to level 29 (estimated reading age of 10.5).
Idoia Alday Gonzalez, Parent, Ao Tāwhiti Unlimited Discovery, Christchurch
July 14, 2023
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"So from a Principal that was a non believer on arrival to now a Principal that now has a teacher in training (to ensure sustainability and continue to share the program across the school), a believer that it certainly gives our students a fighting chance, and closes the learning gaps as they move on, I definitely support it!"
Clara Tuifao, Principal - St Michael's School, TAITA
June 30, 2023
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"Now he is reading so well he just obtained an honour's award at his intermediate for doing so well in reading. He reads every day and still loves it. Thank you Reading Recovery!"
Belinda Whyte, Parent - Ōhau School
June 27, 2023
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"I recently had the opportunity of observing our Reading Recovery teacher working with a student that I had referred. I was amazed at his progress."
Sally Van der Weele - Learning Support Co-ordinator at Plateau Primary, Te Mārua, Upper Hutt
April 11, 2023
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"Thank you so, so much for all the help and dedication you have given to our daughter. It is truly appreciated. She’s doing incredibly well with her reading, and she continues to surprise us!"
Karla Billington - Reading Recovery Parent
March 1, 2023
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Our school and staff have really taken the Early Literacy Support to the next level.
Carol Loader - Classroom teacher, Castlecliff School, Whanganui
November 15, 2022
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"The confidence it gives struggling readers is huge."
Classroom teacher - Jenny Ward, Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery School, Christchurch
November 1, 2022
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"She just purchased a reading book with her birthday money, she has become a very keen reader! Thank you."
Parent – Louise Hitchcock
August 16, 2022
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"Fletcher gained his confidence back and now reads in his own time."
Parent - Holly Brown
August 13, 2022
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"This is the best day of my life!"
Reading Recovery teacher - Helen Le Measurier
August 10, 2022
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The Reading Recovery program turned out to be a game-changer for our daughter. Her improvement was nothing short of remarkable.
Balachandar Muthukrishnan, Parent, Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery
October 18, 2023
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Our son was behind on his reading compared to his peers, having spent a lot of his second school year sick or in lockdown. The one-on-one that Reading Recovery provided gave him an extra bit of focus that hooked him in!
Sam Kivi, Ao Tawhiti
September 4, 2023
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Jack's reading has improved immensely and without the RR, we believe he would have struggled with reading throughout the year and this would have led to him being frustrated and distracted.
Lucy, Parent, West Rolleston School
August 4, 2023
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He went from level 9 (too early to assign a reading age) to level 29 (estimated reading age of 10.5).
Idoia Alday Gonzalez, Parent, Ao Tāwhiti Unlimited Discovery, Christchurch
July 14, 2023
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"So from a Principal that was a non believer on arrival to now a Principal that now has a teacher in training (to ensure sustainability and continue to share the program across the school), a believer that it certainly gives our students a fighting chance, and closes the learning gaps as they move on, I definitely support it!"
Clara Tuifao, Principal - St Michael's School, TAITA
June 30, 2023
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"Now he is reading so well he just obtained an honour's award at his intermediate for doing so well in reading. He reads every day and still loves it. Thank you Reading Recovery!"
Belinda Whyte, Parent - Ōhau School
June 27, 2023
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"I recently had the opportunity of observing our Reading Recovery teacher working with a student that I had referred. I was amazed at his progress."
Sally Van der Weele - Learning Support Co-ordinator at Plateau Primary, Te Mārua, Upper Hutt
April 11, 2023
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"Thank you so, so much for all the help and dedication you have given to our daughter. It is truly appreciated. She’s doing incredibly well with her reading, and she continues to surprise us!"
Karla Billington - Reading Recovery Parent
March 1, 2023
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Our school and staff have really taken the Early Literacy Support to the next level.
Carol Loader - Classroom teacher, Castlecliff School, Whanganui
November 15, 2022
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"The confidence it gives struggling readers is huge."
Classroom teacher - Jenny Ward, Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery School, Christchurch
November 1, 2022
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"She just purchased a reading book with her birthday money, she has become a very keen reader! Thank you."
Parent – Louise Hitchcock
August 16, 2022
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"Fletcher gained his confidence back and now reads in his own time."
Parent - Holly Brown
August 13, 2022
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"This is the best day of my life!"
Reading Recovery teacher - Helen Le Measurier
August 10, 2022
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Get in touch with the Reading Recovery team today!
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